
Besides backpacks, bags are another practical way to carry with all sorts of things. As with backpacks here we have a wide selection depending on the application and user needs. So you will find here lots of compact tactical bags that perfectly will be suitable for everyday use, special bags designed for shooting accessories or ammunition and eventually high capacity transport bags, which will pack everything in for a longer trip. All in classical or more modern cuts and many colors or camouflages. Bags offer includes products such well known brands like Direct Action, 5.11, Helikon or Condor Outdoor.

EDC Side Bags

Helikon EDC Compact Shoulder Bag - Black

In an urban environment it is important to be able to carry as much equipment as possible, but at the same time keep the profile of your gear low. Helikon EDC Compact Shoulder Bag is a great example of this type of gear.
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Gun Cases

Helikon Single Pistol Wallet - Black

Helikon Single Pistol Wallet ideally protects single handgun from mechanical damage (scratching mainly), physical contact with other hard edged objects carried together with the pistol in the range bag.
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EDC Side Bags

Helikon EDC Compact Shoulder Bag - Shadow Grey

In an urban environment it is important to be able to carry as much equipment as possible, but at the same time keep the profile of your gear low. Helikon EDC Compact Shoulder Bag is a great example of this type of gear.
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5.11 Bags

5.11 Range Ready Bag - Sandstone (59049-328)

Built with specific input from range instructors and professional shooters, the Range Ready Bag from 5.11 Tactical is engineered to be the best range bag on the market, and stores everything you need for a day at the range.
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EDC Side Bags

Helikon EDC Compact Shoulder Bag - Coyote

In an urban environment it is important to be able to carry as much equipment as possible, but at the same time keep the profile of your gear low. Helikon EDC Compact Shoulder Bag is a great example of this type of gear.
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Messenger Bag

Direct Action Messenger Bag - Olive Green

Direct Action
Direct Action Messenger Bag is a lightweight and versatile, medium size tactical bag for LE operator or just for everyday use. Equipped with a set of capacious pockets.
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Essential Kitbag

Helikon Essential Kitbag - Olive Green

Designed to hold all your essential bushcraft/survival kit this bag will hold waterbottle with cup, folding stove, flashlight, compass, cord, sewing kit etc.
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Helikon Bags

Helikon Carryall Daily Bag - Black

The versatility of this bag makes it suitable not only as a solid shopping bag, but also as a reliable spare bag for various types of trips, whether to the forest or to the shooting range. The Helikon Carryall Daily bag is therefore an ideal solution for those who value functionality, durability and comfort in one product.
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Helikon Carryall Backup Bag

Helikon Carryall Backup Bag - Black

Helikon Carryall Backup Bag is a simple and ultra-light spare bag, which is ideal for carrying additional equipment or suply.
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Gun Cases

Helikon Double Pistol Wallet - Black

Helikon Single Pistol Wallet ideally protects single handgun from mechanical damage (scratching mainly), physical contact with other hard edged objects carried together with the pistol in the range bag.
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